Best Celebrity Slim Cyber Weekend Deals
Best Celebrity Slim Cyber Weekend Deals Cyber Weekend is approaching fast and we’re offering 30% off site-wide! If you’re looking to start your weight loss journey or need to stock...
Lose Weight for 2023
The countdown The countdown to New Years is on! We’ve got less than 2 months before we reign in the new year, exciting stuff, unless we’re not happy with our...
Benefits of Plant Proteins
The Benefits of Plant Based Protein Protein supplements are among the most popular nutritional supplements within the space of personal care, fitness and beauty, and for good reason! Along with...
Celebrity Slim Loyalty Program
Celebrity Slim Loyalty Program Welcome to our loyalty program, babe! How does it work? The Celebrity Slim loyalty program is super simple. It looks a little something like this: Create...
Countdown to Summer
The countdown to summer is ON! Weight loss season is among us, and we are here to help. Summer is only 2 months away, so if you want to slim...
The psychology of food
It's no secret that to lose weight, you need to consume less calories or energy, than you expend. The reality is if you stop eating the things that have given...
Delicious healthy snack foods
Both the 'Trim' and 'Maintain' phases of the Celebrity Slim Program allow for 3 snacks each day. These snack options can simply be a delicious Celebrity Slim snack bar, or one...
Top 10 keys to weight loss success
Is it really possible to lose weight and keep it off?... Absolutely. The difference between those who successfully lose weight (and keep it off) with those who don’t. 1. Simple...
Habits of healthy weight people
In order to maintain your healthy weight for life, you need to learn new behavioural habits to replace the ones that contributed to your weight gain. We call them the...
Setting Weight Loss goal
Most big achievements in life are a direct result of having set a clear goal, and striving towards it. Weight loss is no different. Goals need to be both short...
Anytime Free Foods
Anytime Free Foods If you're sticking with the quantities suggested on the Celebrity Slim Program and still seem to be hungry all the time, there are a few strategies you...
What foods can I eat?
The program is designed into three separate phases Healthy Balanced Friendly Foods Friendly Snacks 1. Your Healthy balanced meal guidelines Each day you'll eat one balanced meal - most popularly...