Quick Stats
Name: Rick
Weight loss: 14kg
Over: 7 weeks
"For some time now it had been my plan to shed a few extra kilos and make a number of lifestyle choices for the better. I thought to myself I needed a kick starter to help me on my way and give me the assistance I needed to make these smarter decisions. After investigating the different types of weight loss programs I believed Celebrity Slim would be easily manageable and adaptable.
At the beginning of the program though I thought I was going to struggle with the meal replacements but after every shake I enjoyed it more and more and they were quite tasty, to my surprise. There are so many flavours to choose from banana & chocolate being my favourite, they taste so good you’d think they were bad for you.
After only a few days into the program I realised how much over-eating I was doing and not because I was hungry but just due to the fact I had fallen into bad habits and turned to food I didn't need for comfort. Celebrity Slim has helped point me in the right direction of making smarter food choices, I now have more energy as a result and have lost 14 kilos in 7 weeks!"