Quick Stats
Name: Diane
Start weight: 75.3kg
End weight: 70.3kg
Weight loss: 5kg
Over: 6 weeks
How do you feel after completing the Celebrity Slim Rapid 6 week challenge?
I've lost 5 kilos and well on my way to completing my longer-term goal of 15kg. I have established healthier patterns, with the structure of the delicious shakes and bars, and snacking earlier on in the day rather than in the evenings like I used to. I can now wear all the clothes in my wardrobe, not just the larger, stretchier ones and it feels great. I actually bought a dress 2 sizes smaller in the first week and wore it to a wedding the day after the challenge finished. I love a challenge and 6 weeks is a good mini goal to help kick-start fat loss, which then sets you up to achieve a longer-term strategy. I am going to do another 6 week challenge using Celebrity Slim myself as we head towards Christmas and the silly season, to keep myself moving towards my weight loss goal.
I did have one minor set back during the challenge, which happened in week 5. I had to have emergency surgery on my spine, which wasn't ideal. However I felt confident and happy in myself at the time and proudly told the anesthetist about my weight loss before the op. My main focus now is to lose the rest of the weight in order to make me feel even stronger than ever. This will only benefit my overall spinal health and I know I can do this with Celebrity Slim. I've been proudly posting my efforts on Facebook and Twitter, to inspire and motivate my friends and family. Seriously, if I can lose weight with everything that happened during my 6 weeks, anyone can. It's a great program that's so convenient.
What was your weight loss goal and did you achieve it? If not, what do you think impacted on your success?
My weight loss goal was: 60 kilos
I aimed for 1kg a week, but in the 5th week due to the emergency surgery on my spine I couldn't exercise for the last 2 weeks and was in hospital and at the mercy of the hospital food. I refused breakfast and lunch, having the Celebrity Slim Rapid Bars and a regular dinner for the three days in there. I still managed to lose 500g that week which wasn't as much as previous weeks but still good considering the circumstances. I stuck to the plan and despite not exercising and being sedentary still losing 500g each of those 2 last weeks was a complete surprise and just shows how much the program really works. How great!
More importantly though, I was determined, despite the pain and anxiety, to fit into that size 10 dress that I had in my head. Last thing I was going to do was to let go of all my hard work and willpower and begin eating unhealthy again. So now my goal is to continue to push forward with the Celebrity Slim program until I finally reach that magic 60-kilo goal weight.
Which feeling best describes you post challenge?
More Confident, Feel Healthier, More Motivated, Developed Healthier Habits.
*Individual results may vary.